The latest news on sustainability and efficiency in engineering and construction

Behind The Curve

4 August, 2019
1 mins read

Behind The Curve

Big Projects ME spoke with Andrew Skudder, CEO CCS, regarding the growing pressure the construction sector is under, as a result of a tightening economy.  Construction companies should be looking at ways to streamline their business processes, improve cash flow management and tighten risk management. Those that sharpen internal processes and systems today will be best positioned for an upswing in government and private sector investment in the years to come.

The sector faces numerous challenges – poor economic growth, shrinking margins, skills shortages, rising resource and labour costs – which means it’s under pressure to start innovating.

Topics of the discussion cover

  • Investment in tech is behind the curve
  • Breaking down silos
  • Building a foundation for the future

Read more in Big Projects Magazine