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16 Shaft and 20 Shaft on Impala Platinum Mine
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Started in 2004, Impala 16 Shaft was instrumental in the designing and construction of Impala 17 Shaft complex, where key learning points from the former were adopted and applied. The project includes sinking of the Main and Ventilation Shafts, together with the underground development operations, building up to the production target of 250 000 tons per month. The Main Shaft will have a final depth of 1657m at 10.0m diameter and the Ventilation Shaft will be 1400m deep with a cross-sectional diameter of 6.8m. Both shafts are concrete lined.
Client: Impala Platinum – part of the Implats Group
Location: Rustenburg, North West, South Africa
Scope of work: Shaft sinking
Sector: Underground Mining
Production Target: 250 000 tons per month
Product used: Candy

Interesting Facts:
- Mining at the Rustenburg complex started in 1969 and continues to this day.
- Implats is in the business of mining, refining and marketing platinum group metals (PGMs) – primarily platinum, palladium and rhodium – and associated base metals.
- Implats makes a vital contribution to job creation, the national fiscus and community upliftment. PGMs are the second largest export revenue generator (after gold) for South Africa. As a group, the country’s platinum miners provide direct employment to about 26% of all mining employees. Combined with the businesses that serve and sell to these operators, the platinum sector supports more than 450 000 individuals.
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