Supporting students and educational institutions with innovative takeoff and estimating technology
The RIB CostX Educational Program was first established in 2007 with a mission to provide free industry-leading technology to educational institutes and do our part in shaping the future of construction. Today, our Educational Program continues to deliver value to the academic scene with thousands of licenses active across more than 100 institutes.
Why do we do it? The construction sector is known for being one of the slowest industries to adopt new technologies. This slow pace has come mainly from an aging workforce that is resistant to change but also due to fragmentation and a lack of standardization that makes technology harder to adopt. As a leading software provider, we recognize that collaboration through digitalization is the key to reforming the industry, which is why the RIB CostX Educational Program was created.
What we offer: RIB CostX software for construction students is available to full-time students & eligible lecturers/tutors under our educational license scheme. If you’d like to start your CostX learning journey, visit this link: https://education.itwocostx.com/verification/ or for any questions, contact our team here: https://education.itwocostx.com/contact-us/