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How To Avoid Overspending On Cloud Migration

31 August, 2021
6 mins read

Tips for Reducing Cloud Migration Cost

As companies are digitizing, they are quickly shifting everything to the cloud. This is a necessary step for smarter growth. However, this also means that many companies are spending more than they should on cloud migration. Here are some important considerations for reducing cloud migration cost.

  • Gain a Better Understanding of the Cloud

The first step in optimizing cloud migration cost is understanding all the services that your business is utilizing from the provider and exactly how much they cost. An example of the services can include SQL, NoSQL, and load balancing. Know how many of these services you are consuming, and then you can look for savings opportunities.

This is easier to do for businesses that don’t have a great difference in application demand. Stay in control of your usage to keep on top of your various cloud migration costs.

Many businesses overspend on cloud migration because they don’t have a good enough understanding of cloud technology from the start. You need to understand the needs of your business and your industry trends before choosing a software solution that matches your needs.

Simply start by organizing all of your data before cloud migration to come up with a more organized plan for smarter cloud usage.

  • Don’t Overestimate Your Resources

Businesses know that adopting a cloud is a cost-effective solution. So, they often don’t think about the efficiency of their cloud usage once they migrate. This leads to many examples where a business adopts cloud technology that is larger than what they actually need. Oversized clouds will result in unnecessary expenses.

Understand your data needs and adopt cloud resources that match your business’s size. Overprovision is an easy, and expensive, mistake to make.

  • Keep an Eye on Your Amount of Vendors

A single solution to cloud migration means a single contract, while multiple vendors mean various subscription services. Pay attention to the number of subscription services that you take on. Ensure your contract with each one is effectively aligned to your business.

You can significantly reduce cloud overspend by getting rid of unnecessary vendors or contracts that aren’t working for your business needs.

  • Pay Attention to Resources You Aren’t Using

Be aware of any possible assets or resources that your business isn’t using. If there are resources that are simply taking up space, getting rid of them will help to free up more cloud space for more important things.

To do this, businesses should review their cloud resources regularly to get an idea of what resources are actually being used.

Common Cloud Migration Mistakes That Can Be Costly

Cloud migration should be a fairly straightforward process. However, there are many common mistakes that businesses often fall victim to. Keep the following points in mind before starting your cloud migration process.

  • Overlooking Access Control

You need to make sure that you classify any documents that contain sensitive information appropriately. These documents should be under specific access control to ensure the information does not end up in the wrong hands. Without proper access control, a business may face certain risks.

  • Moving Applications to the Cloud Unnecessarily

Many businesses will move all their applications to the cloud in one go, without running a proper assessment. This is a bad tactic because not all applications are suitable for the cloud. Ensure that the cloud software works with everything you want to use it with.

  • Neglecting Security Issues

Uploading everything to a cloud is convenient, but it also opens up more room for security threats. Ensure your security practices are of a high standard before going ahead with cloud migration. Otherwise, your data could be vulnerable to various attacks or losses. Security compliance is essential.

  • Finding Suitable Cloud Technology

A simple mistake that businesses often make is going ahead with cloud migration before making sure their cloud technology is suitable for the business and industry. The software you use will have a major impact on your cloud migration cost.

  • Poor Estimation of Infrastructure Needs

IT teams need to pay careful attention to estimating their infrastructure needs. It’s crucial to have accurate data on the size of workloads to get a good idea of your cloud migration cost.


Moving your business to the cloud is actually a simple process that often gets overcomplicated. Pay attention to these details before starting your cloud migration, and choose a smart software choice for your business needs.

Plan your migration, and focus on the right cloud solution – this is the basis of efficient cloud migration costs that offer good ROI.

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