Insights and Advice for Enabling More Efficient and Sustainable Construction

How MEP Companies Can Stay On Budget Using The Worlds’ Best Construction Software

20 January, 2019
4 mins read

Overspend and material wastage are common terms in the construction industry and are a particular bug bear of even the most successful MEP companies. Thankfully, in today’s environment, there are market leading software solutions that allow MEP Contractors to maintain much tighter control on these costly occurrences as well as streamlining workflows from A to Z. This helps reduce costs and time across the board which in turn means a stronger and more consistent bottom line. Keep reading to explore how MEP companies can stay on budget.

So, with a focus on completing projects on time and within budget, let’s look at a couple of ways the worlds’ best construction software can help you stay on track.

Accurate estimation puts you clearly in the picture.

When your estimates are bang on, you know exactly what your build is going to cost (barring unforeseen events which we will cover later).  That may sound obvious but, as experienced industry professionals, you will no doubt have come across best guesses if not wildly ambitious (or over egging to allow for errors) estimations.  By definition, this is not accurate and often is the result of a lack of consistency and information.  Many estimations have been reworked from previous projects without having a sound and accurate method to feed the (thousands) of corrections and adjustments that could have been gleaned from them.  This is where your construction estimating software becomes invaluable.  Not only is it incredibly accurate, it learns from the experience of the projects it has completed in the past (even the base software itself has been developed over decades, hand in hand with the world’s leading Construction Companies and MEP Contractors and is specifically designed for your industry).  This accuracy will ensure you are working from the right budget and the software will ensure you can also enact digital take-offs, better manage the bidding process and provide effective, useful reporting.

Early Warning

The sooner you can detect a risk, the sooner you can resolve it.  With modern software, the days of waiting for reports that are already out of date or generally inaccurate are over.  Your Construction Software provides accurate up to the minute reports across all sectors of your project, including your subcontractors.  It identifies discrepancies in the plan concerning all elements from materials, plant, tools, equipment and progress and can identify deviation long before it is too late (and in many circumstances even before it happens).  This early warning is further enhanced in the leading software packages such as Candy & BuildSmart, where it also facilitates a deep dive analysis and planning function to off-set or extinguish the issue at its source.  Companies of all sizes have found this to be invaluable in protecting their margins and allowing them to complete on time and budget.

CCS have developed world class leading Project management; Cost management and Enterprise Accounting software tailored for your industry and fully understand the peculiarities and nuances the construction world navigates.  The very best way to understand what these software packages will deliver for you is to let them show you.

Twenty Reasons To Move From Excel To CANDY Estimating Software


Twenty Reasons To Move From Excel To CANDY Estimating Software