Insights and Advice for Enabling More Efficient and Sustainable Construction

Transforming Project Management: Why Email Falls Short

4 August, 2023
5 mins read

In today’s fast-paced world, efficient and sustainable project management is paramount for success in the engineering and construction industry. Collaboration and streamlined communication are key factors that can make or break a project. However, traditional methods like relying on email for project management can lead to inefficiencies, miscommunication, and delays. In this article, we will explore the limitations of email and demonstrate how adopting a form-based system, such as RIB CX (iTWO cx), can revolutionise project management, ensuring enhanced productivity, transparency, and effective collaboration.

Email has been the backbone of professional communication for decades, but when it comes to managing complex projects, it falls short in several aspects. According to a survey conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI), 43% of project managers reported that communication-related issues were the primary cause of project failure, with email being a significant contributing factor. Let’s delve into some of its inherent challenges:

  1. Fragmented Information: Project-related information tends to be scattered across various email threads, attachments, and conversations. This makes it challenging to track and retrieve critical details, leading to confusion, duplicated efforts, and time wasted searching for relevant information.
  2. Lack of Version Control: When multiple stakeholders collaborate on a project, keeping track of document versions becomes arduous. Email attachments often result in different versions floating around, making it difficult to determine the most up-to-date information.
  3. Communication Gaps: Email exchanges can lead to miscommunication due to lengthy threads, overlooked messages, or lack of real-time updates. This can lead to delays, misunderstandings, and costly errors.
  4. Inefficient Workflow: Email lacks the ability to automate and streamline workflow processes. Manually managing approvals, tracking progress, and ensuring accountability become cumbersome tasks, prone to delays and errors.
  5. Security Risks: Email is vulnerable to security breaches and data leaks. Sensitive project information can end up in the wrong hands, compromising confidentiality and putting projects at risk.

Research by Radicati Group revealed that the average professional receives 121 emails per day, resulting in a significant drain on productivity. By adopting a form-based system such as RIB CX, project teams can reduce email overload and focus on critical project-related communication. For example, a study by McKinsey & Company found that companies utilising collaborative project management platforms experienced an average productivity gain of 20-25% compared to traditional email-based methods.

Let’s explore the transformative benefits it brings:

  1. Centralised and Structured Information: Form-based systems provide a centralised platform where project information is organized, accessible, and searchable. Data, documents, and conversations are stored in a structured manner, eliminating the need for multiple email threads and attachments. This ensures that all stakeholders have a unified view of project progress and critical details, fostering collaboration and minimising confusion.
  2. Real-Time Collaboration and Updates: Form-based systems enable real-time collaboration, allowing stakeholders to work together seamlessly. Updates are instantly visible to all authorised parties, promoting transparency, reducing response times, and enabling quicker decision-making. With everyone on the same page, projects progress more smoothly, and potential roadblocks are addressed promptly.
  3. Automated Workflows and Approvals: RIB CX streamlines project workflows by automating repetitive tasks and approvals. By defining clear processes within the system, organisations can ensure that actions are triggered at the right time and by the appropriate individuals. This automation eliminates bottlenecks, reduces human error, and accelerates project timelines.
  4. Enhanced Accountability and Audit Trail: Form-based systems offer a comprehensive audit trail that records every action, decision, and conversation related to the project. This level of transparency enhances accountability and serves as a valuable reference for future projects or compliance requirements. It also minimises disputes and facilitates effective issue resolution.
  5. Advanced Security Measures: RIB CX prioritises data security and confidentiality. Robust access controls and permission settings ensure that sensitive project information remains protected. With a reliable form-based system, stakeholders can have peace of mind knowing that their data is secure and that confidential project details are safeguarded.

Inefficiencies inherent in email-based project management can hinder progress, create communication gaps, and jeopardise project success. By embracing a form-based system like RIB CX, organisations can overcome these challenges and unlock a new era of efficiency, collaboration, and sustainable project management. With centralised information, streamlined workflows, real-time collaboration, and enhanced security, projects can be delivered more effectively, ultimately building a better tomorrow for the engineering and construction industry.

For more information on RIB CX, please click here to contact our sales team.

Technology Utilised To Tackle The Challenges Of The Construction Industry


Technology Utilised To Tackle The Challenges Of The Construction Industry